The use of mouthwash has become a part of your daily at-home oral hygiene routine, after your thoroughly brush and floss your teeth. You believe mouthwash offers your mouth an additional level of clean by getting into those tight places in between, on and around the teeth, and on other surfaces of the mouth that floss and your toothbrush can't reach or adequately clean. You can't imagine not using mouthwash to top off your oral hygiene routine.
However, the sting of the alcohol in the mouthwash is something you could live without. You begin to research and discover that there are numerous other artificial ingredients, like sweeteners, included. You're not too sure if you should be putting these ingredients in your mouth. They surely can't be good for your teeth and gums. After all, you take the health of your teeth and gums seriously. You don't want to be accidentally jeopardizing your effort in caring for them as best as possible.
Regardless of whether you're looking for chemical, alcohol, or artificial-free mouthwash for healthy, clean living or you're allergic to any of the ingredients or you simply don't like the sting or after taste of traditional mouthwash, there are all-natural mouthwash alternatives to choose from. Many of these you can even make yourself at home using inexpensive, readily available ingredients.
Below are common natural mouthwash alternatives you may want to try or consider:
- Oil Pulling
- Activated Charcoal
- Sea Salt
- Essential Oils, especially tea tree, peppermint, spearmint and cinnamon
- Coconut Oil
- Activated Charcoal
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Hydrogen Peroxide
There are many easy recipes you can find online about homemade mouthwash, many of which combine two or three of the above ingredients. The most basic and highly favored DIY mouthwash recipe combines baking soda, sea salt, and water. For a better tasting solution, peppermint or spearmint essential oil can be added. People began using a form of mouthwash since around 2700 B.C.! These ancient mouthwashes treated gum disease, whitened teeth, treated infections in the mouth, and freshened breath. Ancient mouthwash was simple and basic using only natural ingredients. Today, there are more than 100 different mouthwash types and brands to choose from. The vast majority of these mouthwashes contain artificial ingredients and have alcohol and extra sugar included.
With today's mouthwash, you may get a good clean, but you could also be harming and irritating your mouth. If you take the care of your teeth and gums seriously by maintaining a daily, adequate oral hygiene routine at home as well as regular visits to your dental office, you have good reason to be hesitant about using traditional mouthwash.
Whether you continue to use traditional mouthwash or make your own, natural mouthwash, the use of mouthwash can greatly complement and enhance the cleaning power of flossing and teeth brushing. If you're not sure which mouthwash is best for you, ask your dentist for recommendations.