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How an Unhealthy Mouth Can Be More Than an Inconvenience

While you may take your health seriously, going in for regular checkups and making an appointment when something is seriously wrong, sometimes you just sit, grin and bear the discomfort when the health condition isn't serious and the pain and discomfort aren't affecting your daily life and ability to do routine tasks.
Many patients try to self-treat their minor health conditions and only go see a doctor when the pain and discomfort become too serious and begins to interfere with their ability to carry on with the daily functions of life.
This same postponement and/or refusal of treatment also applies to dental health. If their unhealthy mouths are only a slight inconvenience, many patients will forgo a trip to the dentist. While some of these oral health issues can be easily treated and reversed with simple remedies such as an alteration to a more nutritious diet or a better daily oral hygiene routine, some of those minor inconveniences can be warning signs of a more serious oral health condition that is developing. Only the trained eye of a dental professional can appropriately diagnose and determine the severity of a dental issue. In the case of a possible developing or worsening oral condition, a dentist can prescribe the best preventative treatment.
What happens if your unhealthy mouth isn't treated and you just deal with the pain and discomfort? Well, depending on the condition, it can resolve itself with some minor lifestyle changes. It can also worsen into a more serious condition that requires more intensive and urgent dental treatment. Besides being a minor inconvenience, an unhealthy mouth can also impact other areas of your life that you may not be aware of.
The Mouth/Body Connection
There has been evidence indicating the interconnection between the health of one's mouth and the rest of the body and vice versa. A minor oral health issue can lead to possible issues of the rest of the body. It can also be the result of a hidden health issue or condition somewhere else in the body.
Pain and discomfort are often the body's way of letting you know something isn't right. While the pain and discomfort may be temporary or slight, it shouldn't be quickly discounted and ignored.
One's Self-Confidence
If you have any discomfort or pain in your mouth, even if it is mild, you know something is not quite right. Many dental issues come from an unhealthy mouth. Knowing that your mouth isn't at its optimal health, it can cause some self-consciousness and anxiety. Minor pain from tooth decay or gum disease can make one uneasy about showing off their smile because it's unhealthy and likely to not look great.
Lower Quality of Life
It is one thing to have slight discomfort when biting or chewing as a result of trauma to the mouth. It is another thing to chronically live with slight discomfort and pain because of the lack of treatment. If an unhealthy mouth isn't treated and the discomfort and pain persist over a long period, one can lose enjoyment in certain foods and social activities such as eating out. Those with Bruxism who unconsciously clench their jaw at night may be greeted each morning with a sore mouth and weakened teeth and gums. Living with chronic pain and discomfort from an undiagnosed and untreated dental condition can reduce one's happiness, energy, motivation, focus and self-confidence which can culminate in a lower quality of life.
Regular dental office cleanings and checkups are important in helping to maintain a healthy mouth. Regardless of whether your pain and discomfort are slight or severe, it is highly recommended that one schedule an appointment with their dentist. If you try to tough things out, you can cause the condition to worsen, experience a lower sense of self-confidence and quality of life as well as ignore or overlook a potential health issue somewhere else in your body.

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