Root canals are a fairly common procedure in this country. And by common, we mean that more than 25 million root canals are performed every year.
While it's true that this procedure is performed regularly (41,000 or so a day), and the American Dental Association claims that they are safe, they have not produced any data or research to support that claim.
On the other hand, research that has been around for decades is showing that there is true, cause to be concerned.
The Root of the Problem
A root canal effectively kills the tooth that is receiving the treatment. These dead teeth can potentially become incubators for some dangerous, toxic anaerobic bacteria. If bacteria makes its way into your bloodstream, which is possible in some circumstances, it can lead to some serious medical conditions.
That all seems more or less obvious. We know that bacteria in the bloodstream can lead to problems, and we know that dental problems have the potential of creating openings for that bacteria, so why would it seem so controversial to say that bacterial infections can come from such a common procedure like a root canal?
The reason is simple. Most of these root-canaled teeth will look and feel fine for many years, so it is difficult to trace a systemic disease back to something as seemingly "small and insignificant" as a root canal.
Here's What We Know
Since the early 1900s, research has shown that root-canaled teeth always remained infected, no matter what kind of treatments they received. This was when suspicions start to grow that there might be a connection between root canals and systemic, degenerative diseases, because experiments were performed that showed that removing the tooth from a person with a chronic illness and then implanting that tooth beneath the skin of a rabbit, the animal would develop the same chronic illness.
A lot of that research was ignored for a long time until it was rediscovered in the 90s. And what we know is this:
The roots of your teeth are held in place in the jawbone by the periodontal ligament and many accessory canals (scientists have identified as many as 75 in a single central incisor). These tubules make up a maze of biological material where microscopic organisms regularly move in and around. However, if the tooth is hollowed out and filled with a substance, the tooth is cut off from its normal blood supply, so fluids don't circulate through the tooth anymore. This means that any bacteria that got caught in that maze of tubules will hide out there, safe from any antibiotics and your normal immune responses.
Some of the microorganisms around your teeth were useful and natural, but without the oxygen and nutrients they're used to, they can change into more virulent anaerobes that produce harmful toxins. And the moment they start spreading into the rest of your body is the moment when things become problematic for you.
So far, no amount of sterilization has been effective in reaching the bacteria hiding out in the tubules.
More importantly, almost every tooth that has received a root canal is eventually colonized by these bacteria.
Potential Problems
The infections that grow beneath dead teeth can extend down into the jawbone where it can create areas of necrotic tissue. Unfortunately, this can happen without you even noticing it until it's too late.
The good news is that as long as you have a strong and healthy immune system, you can probably deal with the bacteria that stray from the infected area. However, if your immune system isn't quite up to the task, the bacteria can get into your bloodstream and find their way into different parts of your body. when this happens, it could potentially lead to:
· Heart disease
· Kidney disease
· Autoimmune diseases
· Neurological diseases
· Arthritis and rheumatic diseases
There is even a chance that it could be linked to certain forms of cancer. One doctor even claimed that he found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer (he claimed that more than 90% of women with breast cancer had root canals).
In the End, It Just Makes Sense
While the ADA continues to reject a lot of the evidence that backs up the concerns about root canal treatments, there is one simple thing that dental patients ought to consider:
Would you leave any other dead body part in your body?
The simple fact is that a root-canalled tooth is now a dead tooth. Why would want that in your mouth any more than you would a gangrenous toe on your foot?
And there are other options available to you. You don't have to accept that a root canal is the only way to deal with your current dental problems.
If you'd like to know more about these alternatives, be sure to contact your local holistic dentist so you can discuss your concerns and some more effective treatments.