You found out you're getting braces. While you're excited to finally have a beautiful, straight smile, you also dread the pain and...
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The Case for Professional Teeth Whitening
One of the most common reasons people dislike the look of their smile is from teeth discoloration. Even with diligent brushing and flossin...
To Replace or Not to Replace Silver Fillings? That Is The Question
For a good amount of years, silver fillings were a common sight in children's mouths. For many adults, those fillings from childhood a...
A Guide to Dental Emergencies
If someone breaks a bone, it is customary to take them to an emergency room or other medical facility for immediate attention. When a toot...
Making Family Dental Visits a Routine
The American Dental Association recommends two visits to the dentist office every year. Professional cleanings are a vital step in keeping...
What Is Zoom Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is a common procedure done to improve the appearance of a smile. This popular treatment has many different options availab...
How to Improve Your Oral Hygiene
Brushing and flossing are some of the simplest and most effective ways to take care of your teeth and oral health. In fact, since a young ...