Bad breath is something that plagues people every day, but not for the same reasons. Common foods such as onions, garlic, and alcohol are known to cause bad breath, and a diet that consists of these foods often contributes to terrible odors. If others are constantly offering you gum or breath mints though, you know that the problem goes beyond your last meal. The two main causes of perpetual bad breath are poor oral hygiene and halitosis.
Poor Oral Hygiene
Bad breath is most commonly caused by bacteria in the mouth. When you take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly, the number of bacteria in your mouth is dramatically reduced. Both steps are very important to a clean mouth.
Bacteria that clings to the surface of teeth and along the gum line is best removed by brushing. Brushing your tongue is also important to improving your breath. Bacteria clings and builds upon your tongue, even right after brushing your teeth. This creates a terrible odor that taints your breath. It's recommended that you brush twice a day, so try adding your tongue to your routine and see what a difference it makes.
Rotting food between teeth is another culprit of bad breath. By flossing every day, you remove the food before it gets too much of a chance to rot or have bacteria build-up.
If you need an extra step beyond brushing and flossing, try adding a mouthwash. If you need a more powerful option, prescription mouthwashes are available from your dentist. Proper oral hygiene can cure bad breath if poor habits are the cause. If not, you probably have halitosis.
Halitosis is a more serious form of bad breath that is chronic. It stems from deeper lying health issues and medication, which can be treated.
Underlying Health Issues
Halitosis is one way the body signals for several underlying health problems, including:
· Diabetes
· Digestive Problems
· Acid Reflux
· Mouth Sores
· Gum Disease
· Infection
· Nasal Polyps
· Pneumonia
· Cancer
Because these problems are serious or lead to something more serious if left untreated, it is important that you find the cause of your halitosis. Bringing up your concerns with your dentist is a great first step to combating your dragon breath. If necessary, your dentist may have to refer you back to your general practitioner for further testing.
Medication Induced Halitosis
A common side effect of prescription medications is dry mouth or a decreased amount of saliva in the mouth. This is a more serious problem than just feeling uncomfortable. Saliva is important to the balance of the mouth, washing away food, bacteria, and other unwanted particles. Mucus and bacteria accumulate on the tongue, creating a white or yellowish layer of film. You may also find that you have a constant bitter taste in your mouth.
Halitosis from dry mouth is usually solved with switching your medication. Different brands cause different reactions in the body. This is just one of the steps to finding the cause of halitosis.
If you find yourself experiencing chronic bad breath no matter what you do, address it with your dentist. Don't wait for the problem to become worse or for a medical professional to notice it on their own. Take steps to make sure you are properly caring for your body.